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First steps with osc

1. Install osc

openSUSE Commander (osc) is a command-line interface to the Open Build Service (OBS). On an openSUSE / SUSE distribution, just install it via zypper, openSUSE's package manager.

zypper in osc

2. Connect to OBS

By default, osc will ask if you have a community account on the openSUSE OBS instance. Go ahead and sign up if you haven't already ;-) it's at

Let's run osc for the first time!

osc user

Your user account / password are not configured yet.
You will be asked for them below, and they will be stored in
/root/.config/osc/oscrc for future use.

Creating osc configuration file /root/.config/osc/oscrc ...
Username []: 
Password []: 

1   Kernel keyring    Store password in user session keyring in kernel keyring [secure, in-memory, per-session]
2   Secret Service    Store password in Secret Service (GNOME Keyring backend) [secure, persistent]
3   Transient         Do not store the password and always ask for it [secure, in-memory]
4   Obfuscated config Store the password in obfuscated form in the osc config file [insecure, persistent]
5   Config            Store the password in plain text in the osc config file [insecure, persistent]
Select credentials manager [default=1]: 2

eroca: "Elisei Roca" <>

3. Connect to other OBS instances

At SUSE, we have multiple OBS instances, here's how the command looks like:

osc --apiurl user

eroca: "Elisei Roca" <>

Last update: April 28, 2023